Monday, 25 October 2010

- Next Visit by our French Guests

This year’s visit from members of the AvrillĂ© Twinning Association will during the

weekend of 30-31 October and we have a busy and interesting time planned. We
will be welcoming our visitors on the evening of Friday 29th October at Cottenham
Village College (CVC) with drinks and canapés, which will have been cooked by
catering course pupils.

On Saturday we are hoping that some of our French guests will have bought some
paintings of their own to display at this year’s Art Exhibition, held at CVC. During
the afternoon families will be able to ‘do their own thing’ or can choose to take part
in some of the activities planned in Cottenham to celebrate 800 years of Rectors at
the church. On Saturday evening we are going to Cambridge Regional College where
the catering students will provide us with a 3-course dinner.

On Sunday morning, families are free again until 11 am when we will be providing a
selection of bread and soup at Landbeach Village Hall. We will also provide some
craft activities for youngsters and we hope very much that some of the children
from both Cottenham and Willingham primary schools will be able to join us. (Please
contact Anna Vining if you would like to attend this).

After the picnic we have planned a guided tour of Cambridge and some of the
colleges. The weekend will finish with families getting together in smaller groups
for supper. We will then say ‘Goodbye’ to our French families from CVC on the
morning of Monday 1 November.

We are going to have some new French families with children visit this year and we
are really keen to find some families, in particular with children in Years 5/6 who
would like to be involved, either for the whole weekend as a host family or to come
along for lunch at Landbeach Village Hall on Sunday morning. If you would be
interested in finding out more or taking part please contact Anna Vining on 01954
252432 or We would really love to hear from you.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Cottenham Big Draw 2010 launched

COTTENHAM BIG DRAW 2010 is being launched on Thursday 14 October

All local residents, staff, students, adult learners, parents, friends and visitors to the Village College are invited to add to our community portrait.

Simply draw, scribble, write or sketch something that represents you.  It could be a self-portrait, words that sum up who you are or how you're feeling, or it could simply be a doodle.  It shouldn't take more that 5 - 10 minutes (and all pictures should be anonymous).

The idea is to create a picture or snap-shot of Cottenham Village College in 2010.  All of your contributions will go on display at the Village College and be exhibited as part of the Fen Edge Art Exhibition on 29-31 October 2010.

How to take part:
School form tutors please collect the information packs from your pigeon holes on Wednesday which will include a bundle of cards to give to your students during registration on Thursday 14 October.  At the end of registration runners will come to your classroom to collect.  Don't forget to do one yourself.
Staff, parents, visitors and friends of the College can pick up a piece of card from the stand in reception and add to the display
Families can visit the College and add their contributions on Saturday 16 October as part of Family Learning Day, 10am - 12.30
You can also join our facebook group and upload yours online!/group.php?gid=130996596949515&v=wall
For more information contact
Amy Wormald
Arts Development Manager for Cottenham and Impington area
01954 288748